The Intangibles: Cell to Soul Healing

Beth Kahn's third book to be released in September 2022

Nobody is talking about the elephant in the room...

underlying issues that keep us stuck from reaching optimal health!!!

Sign up to receive the first chapter of Beth's book. She shares her foundational experiences with the spiritual world "The Intangibles". These are all too often buried, especially in our youth. She saw ghosts appear, talked with the dead, and much, much more!

So, are you looking to understand how unspoken, unseen, unbelievable experiences in your life have impacted your health?

Beth's journey to full healing is revealed in the chapters to come. You'll gain insight into methods for deep healing previously off your radar and that of others.

"Kahn speaks the truth to help us understand the spiritual realm to achieve true physical, emotional, spiritual, and karmic healing."

Sign up below for Beth's first chapter

(in PDF).